Installing ceramic tile over vinyl will work just fine. assuredly there are many materials that will make a good base for premise of ceramic tile. That being said, any exterior used for a base for ceramic tile must be treated in a unavoidable way or you're headed for trouble. No matter what you install tile over, you must be particular to get the exterior establishment done correctly.
You can install tile over many surfaces including linoleum or vinyl. Tile is often installed over plywood, brick, wall board, even over old tile. Most any exterior that's flat, smooth, clean and solid can be used as a mounting surface. But these surfaces want separate treatment before tile is applied. Maybe the estimate one concern when applying over any surface, including vinyl, is do you have a solid surface.
If the exterior moves, you must stop the movement with braces or some other method. A bouncing exterior will not work. A base that moves will lead to a cracked tile surface. You must have a solid surface. Many vinyl floors are padded or cushioned. These floors will flex and crack tile applied over them. Now there is a way to install over a cushioned floor.
The way to solve this question is to cover the floor with whether plywood or cement board. Cement board will assuredly solve many movement problems. Cement board is often used as a backing by professionals, since it's very rigid and is a great exterior for accepting tile adhesive. This is an exquisite establishment for installing ceramic tile over vinyl.
Be very particular with sanding vinyl flooring. You see until 1986 many floors contained asbestos which is a condition hazard when fibers are released into the air. The only way to know that the flooring contains asbestos is to have it tested. The best way to deal with older flooring is to just assume it contains asbestos. Normally the best plan is to just tile over the flooring. If the floor is loose, you can just cover it with plywood or cement board.
Installing ceramic tile over vinyl will work just fine. If you conclude to cover the floor with plywood or cement board, premise is then just like any other floor. Especially if you have older flooring, the best plan is to probably just cover it rather than taking it up. Don't sand older vinyl flooring.
install Ceramic Tile Over Vinyl - Especially If It's an Older Floor
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